The Scooter T-shirt Project part 1 Getting prepared for the final scooter t-shirt version. Along with the rough, silly, immediate, important to involve streamlined precision. We will be working on that. From our point of view the project looks promising. A t-shirt for practically all masculine segments, from the Scandinavian youngster cycling through the Swedish evening fir forests on his way to a fantastic party, to the solid Austrian farmer pickup-driving downhill to talk with the Priest in the nearby monastery. Including the airconditioned executive CEO heavily loaded with MBAs who deep inside know that the whole thing is a farce.
The Scooter T-shirt Project part 1 Getting prepared for the final scooter t-shirt version. Along with the rough, silly, immediate, important to involve streamlined precision. We will be working on that. From our point of view the project looks promising. A t-shirt for practically all masculine segments, from the Scandinavian youngster cycling through the Swedish evening fir forests on his way to a fantastic party, to the solid Austrian farmer pickup-driving downhill to talk with the Priest in the nearby monastery. Including the airconditioned executive CEO heavily loaded with MBAs who deep inside know that the whole thing is a farce.