The wall painting "Monsieur (The French Guest Professor)" - BLANC ou BLEU? November 2018

This is the background drawing for the wall art decoration no.4 - and the vertical half of a total decoration bending around a significant corner pointing towards two different areas at the Business Academy EAAA in Aarhus, DK. This vertical section faces the atrium/canteen/arrival in the EAAAs' main building. The second half starts around the corner on the first floor and extends horizontally along the academy's incubator environment GROW.

We are currently considering whether the French guest teacher - centrally situated in the motif just below the school clock, on his alternate 'climbing' route with flute and confit de canard (liberating crazy if you asked me), the education manager and the caretaker at the bottom (skeptical in varying degrees of skepticism) and the almost tangled bunch of students at the top (courageous, young, open, and helpful) should unfold in black and white or leap into the eyes/conquer the atrium on a base of luminous blue almost Tintin-like. BLANC old BLEU? C'est la question.

Underlayer | Wall painting | Title: "Monsieur - The French Guest Professor" | Size: 4 x 6 m | Location: Main Building, The Atrium, EAAA, Business Academy Aarhus, Denmark