"The Fireplace" is being painted, April 2019

Work in progress. 
Last night. 

I'm on the mezzanine in the Main Building on EAAA. Almost everyone has gone home. It doesn't joke at all. I think it's daring by EAAA to let the mezzanine decorate. One could have chosen not to prioritize such a floor. One haven't done that. 

Here is an interpretation: In the middle, the teacher aka Pontius Pilate, who is supposed to guide the young. 
To the right, the student aka Jesus Christ the Only Begotten, who you might say was also impatient to move on. 
To the left, the French guest professor aka one of the Holy Three Kings, who also like the professor shoved around and made things cosy. 
The climate change is pretty hidden, but it’s there! Look for the two foxes - one running away up the chimney, one breathing to the alternate fire from a place hidden behind the firewood basket.

And to all design aficionados with the always dangerous good taste: Is it Børge Mogensen's Danish icon chair aka the Spanish chair they sit in? Yes! 

Wall painting | Title: "The Fireplace" Stage: We’re painting | Size on the wall: 6 x 2,7 m Location: The mezzanine, Main Building, EAAA, Business Academy Aarhus, DK.